CSS – steps()

CSS animations are fun. I don’t have a lot of experience with them, so it’s the time to change it. First related thing on my “to learn” list is steps() function, for some reason.

steps() function is used for making non-fluid animations. It’s nothing big, so I’ll just drop a link here: How to Use steps() in CSS Animations If you have no experience with CSS animations, this is an excellent starting point.

The trick consists of two parts: you define the animation function:

.tick-tock {
    animation: tick-tock 60s steps(60, end) infinite;

the syntax is “animation: <keyframe definition name> <animation length> steps(<number of frames>, <direction>) <iteration count> <direction>;”

then you define the keyframes:

@keyframes tick-tock {
    to {
        transform: rotate(360deg);

and that’s it. I tested it out in my lab: http://lab.acedude.pl/css-animations-steps/

It works. Best post ever.